私たちの先祖は、江戸時代から広島に移り住み、刀剣をはじめ古物商を営みながら 広島および中国地方で事業を展開して参りました。太平洋戦争の末期に、祖父の久保騰吉、久保道正が 戦後の復興経済を見据えて、刀剣商をやめ、家電販売業「第一産業」(現:エディオン)を創業しました。 その関連事業を担う会社として桂屋産業を設立、事業を展開していましたが、途中活動を休止。 石井久美を経て、現在は石井宏和が代表を務め、「文化を未来へ繋いでいく」事を目指し、 古物事業と古書・洋書の流通事業、石井真治(教育・社会学者)の手掛けてきた、幼児教育・国際交流事業を 体系化、メソッドとしてオンラインで展開、地域の文化・資源を再定義する事業を展開してまいります。
Redefining a trade name that has been around since
the Edo period and bringing the old into the future
Our ancestors moved to Hiroshima in the Edo period (1603-1868), and have been engaged in business in Hiroshima and the Chugoku region, selling swords and other antiques.
Our ancestors moved to Hiroshima in the Edo period (1603-1868), where they engaged in sword and other antique business, and developed their business in Hiroshima and the Chugoku region. At the end of the Pacific War, my grandfathers, Soekichi Kubo and Michimasa Kubo
At the end of the Pacific War, my grandfathers, Tokichi Kubo and Michimasa Kubo, quit the sword business and founded the home appliance sales business "Dai-ichi Sangyo" (now EDION) with an eye to the post-war reconstruction economy.
They established Katsuraya Sangyo as a company to handle related businesses, but suspended their activities midway.
After Kumi Ishii, Hirokazu Ishii is now the president of Katsuraya Sangyo, which aims to "pass on culture to the future.
With the aim of "connecting culture to the future," Hirokazu Ishii is currently the president of the company, which is a combination of the antique business, the antiquarian book and foreign book distribution business, and the early childhood education and international exchange business that Shinji Ishii (education and sociologist) has been involved in.
We will develop the business to redefine the culture and resources of the region by systematizing and developing online as a method.
- 1・教育、人材育成、研修事業
- 2・洋書、古書の販売事業
- 3・出版、広告事業
- 4・文化の再定義(ブランディング)事業
- 5・古物商事業
- 古物商許可番号 第731262000039号
- 名称:桂屋産業株式会社
- 創業:1945年
- 設立:2018年6月
- 代表:石井 宏和
- 社員:2名(2020年6月現在)
- 住所:731-0125
広島県広島市安佐南区大町西1-3-53 - 資本:900万円
- mail: gousyuya7 gmail com